People in the Republic of Korea has a history of eternal agrarian societies agriculture is very much familiar with the industry. But went through a rapid industrialization, the scale of agriculture fell sharply jjogeura. "I live now, I dug up the soil to eat, as much as I need to send my son to the city" is missing, the more common success stories are found great synergy combined with the base development policies oriented city center. Dramatically lowered the influx of new employees in agriculture. Now, thanks to the subject of agriculture is "almost" completely elderly. Those who go down to the rural road to make a living in agriculture are the majority of grandparents.
"People do not realize that tech agriculture, agricultural people who do not know the tech.This approach is not well in their respective areas. "- Kim, Kwang - Hyun Center for de Camp
These people gathered to agriculture claims to be "the next generation of future food. Opened April 21 banking foundations di youth entrepreneurship camp "Agri Tech D party (Agri tech D.Party) 'under the theme of" competitiveness of farmers and agriculture. What 'Agri-Tech "refers to a field that attempts to combine the agricultural sector and IT. The event involved more than 150 officials, including the founder, led the agricultural sector innovations investors had time to share information about innovations in agriculture.D. Kim, Kwang - Hyun center section of the camp "in the tech sector agriculture is relatively Muju communist," he said explained the significance of the event as "the first person in the pile driver keepers era (agriculture Tech) can be a great opportunity."
As the keynote speaker spiral jeonyounggeol Agricultural Technology Foundation Team is practical and mentioned that "agriculture is a huge industry around the world 1.3 billion people engaged," forecasts that in the future larger than the size of the agricultural industry. Once people grow grains also neuleonaya, and even eat the meat feed grain neuleonaya. However, current agricultural seeds are traditionally sprinkled on spring sikyira very slow to recover in the autumn. This should be combined because of the advancement of technology in agriculture can afford to consume later. Jeonyounggeol leader said, "Here I need innovative technology, part of you as possible to have the agricultural technology venture."
The first session tried a fundamental approach to the foundation of agriculture. The first speaker of the session is " PUMA City took the gimyonghyeon representatives. PUMA City is a direct transaction platform that matches job seekers in rural and urban guinja. The service is similar to a kind of labor offices.
If the farmer is registered job vacancies directly or indirectly at the Puma smartphone app you can receive information personnel. When PUMA collaboration has proceeded as local job centers and non-profit organizations, ARGUENON gwichon centers recruit job seekers. Creating sustainable jobs is the goal to supply more smoothly farmers to bring down the charges to write on labor costs at a reasonable level. It is a significant day chaenggineun seekers, of course, it can also serve as a trying experience, experience in all phases of agricultural ARGUENON.
Paying attention to "some one hundred won 'difference' brainstorming a change in the distribution marketagricultural funds took place also. Gamyeo why farmers spray herbicides that farmers are some one hundred won. In order to increase the price of vegetables, fruit, even a few per one hundred won big, pretty, because it must meet the criteria of glittering society. This is a problem that eventually Agricultural Funds, associated with securing sales channels.
Farming Fund has introduced a fund format for reliable provision of agricultural funds. Farmers are able to make better agricultural products without debt, the consumer can obtain a good quality produce. Of course, investors bear the risk architecture group, which also has a farm and now must take some degree the damage caused by typhoons or pests. However, larger scale farming fund side of the transaction is planned to compensate farmers to develop such plans.
Although current consumer business partner, it is also being developed to deal with small companies.Procure food through farming fund units at a small restaurant and wanted to come to inquire. Agricultural fund is planning to introduce a payment system of regular pricing.
The dream of personalized products plantations plantations but also attracted attention. " Enssing core idea of 'is' just one of the plants. Enssing 'Plenty' is the product of such a small potted plant. However, different from the typical pollen. Gotta be connected to the Internet, and can monitor the environment because plants grow nwatgi put the sensor. Also it is envisioned as a future product that extends through the connection Lego. When connecting several small farms in block form it can also build farms above a certain size.
The second session was held under the theme of "smart farming '. 'Meet ICA' I taebyeong joint delegation was transformed into a 700-pyeong, annual sales of 70 million won level rose cultivation to take over the farm annual sales of 19.2 one hundred million won dollar in two years the farm in 2014 with business partner. Be ICA is' Aqua It utilizes a technology called Phoenix. A kind of hydroponic system. Style fish and fish products makes the times to create a food plant. This brought out the organic produce, the water is cleansed again, going back to the virtuous cycle of fish. Because only pick feed value has the advantage that the cost reduction.
The farm is also used to directly control systems development. Build a server farm and automate it said. Also utilizes machine learning. Since 2016 the farm products went on sale. Utilizing the advantages of hydroponics and shipped by courier roots at room temperature.
"Agricultural Management Information System to create a farm path jangyuseop representatives' also shared the idea to place. Palm is making passes with the environmental control system of 'Agri Systems' software 'farm Navi' called. Agri Farm Management Support System is an integrated system of agricultural management solutions that connect the production, shipments and consumption. It can be shipped, such as management, sales management, financial management, accounts management, membership management.Jangyuseop representative said: "Four years ago, when you first create a reference made to" simplify, farmers should be able to familiarize yourself with the controls and how to use in a few minutes. ' "
Kyungpook lord who spread the smart farm system in the melon house " analogy Yen " home minister gave us the reality of the implementation of the national agricultural house. Home Minister mounting said "it is very vulnerable to natural disasters than because farmers have farming experience and sense." Melons such as agriculture and horticulture from 80 to 90% Single acting - small - non-precision achieved in the House.Korea is currently developing a smart palm Single acting poorly compared to the poor house-linked. UB has made the yen weighed repeater greenhouses Dong control is possible with one main controller. UB yen is the goal to collect information by coming up next East that provides agricultural services.
Gimgwanghyeong de Camp Center, said, "When you Use your imagination combining information and communication technologies in traditional agriculture will be able to cause a lot of innovation," he said, "those who are actively exchange to the occasion of the Agri-Tech di-party combine to revolutionize agriculture and information and communications technology I hope to lead the innovations in agriculture, "he said.